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Saif Powertec Limited is one and only Container Terminal Operator in Bangladesh. Beyond the national boundary it is now dreaming to handle Container Terminal in abroad at prominent foreign Container Ports.

Container Terminal Operation is always a risky task with a number of stages consist of numerous hazards in every stage. Elimination of those hazards from the work flow makes the operation smooth and ensures a safe and hassle free work environment. To eliminate those hazards, “Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)” of the respective container terminal is very essential.

The aim of this paper is to identify the hazards lying on the way of container terminal operation and assess the overall risk of the operation by a well known procedure HIRA.

Hazard Identification

To identify the hazards in total operation, at first the whole operation has been segmented into several stages. Then an effort has been made to identify the associated hazards at every stage. After that identified hazards, associated risks, related personnel and recovery measures have been described in a tabular form.

Berthing of Vessel Process Flow of Container Terminal Operation and Stage Wise Identification of Hazards

Receiving of Containers by RTG/SC Transferring of Containers to Assigned Places (custom appraisement point, cfs, depots, shipper’s premises, etc.) Re-slotting the appraised Containers & Re-stacking the Containers to Assigned RTG Blocks/SC Slots Transferring and Keeping down the Containers for FCL Delivery Un-stuffing the Containers and Loading of Cargo on Covered Van Picking up the Empty Containers and Transferring to the Empty Yard Transferring the Empty Containers to Off-docks/ Loading of the Empty Containers to Vessel Container Discharging Plan Unlashing of the Containers Discharging the Containers on Trailer Transferring the Containers to Yard

1. Berthing of Vessel

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Uncontrollable vessel itself

ii)Strong wind

iii)Strong Current of the Channel

iv)High tide in Channel

v) Heavy rain or fog

i)Injury or fatality to personnel

iii)Damage of jetty by the uncontrollable vessel hit

iii)Damage of QGC

iv)damage of vessel and tug

i)Crews of the vessel

ii)OGC operator

iii)Lascar(CPA staff)

iv)Crews of the tug

i)Strong jetty structure

ii)Precaution about the risk (Safe Maneuvering of vessel)

iii)Heavy power driven tug

iv)Strong mooring rope

2. Container Discharging Plan

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Lack of coordination between the Chief Officer, Vessel Planner and the Vessel Supervisor

ii)Inappropriate discharging operation un-following the discharging plan

iii)Unconsciousness of vessel supervisor

i)Loss of vessel’s stability

ii)Listing of vessel and capsizing

iii)Consequently injury or fatality of personnel and loss or damage of property

i)Crews of the vessel

ii)Lashers onboard

iii)Onboard checkers

iv)Security personnel (CPA)

i)All party coordinated discharging plan

ii)Discharging operation according to the plan.

iii)Appropriate level of supervision by vessel supervisors

3. Unlashing of the Containers

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Working on height without safety helmet

ii)Unorganized locks, wires, ropes, and fixed metallic parts of vessel

iii)Unattended mind of lasher or willful act

iv)Working with rusty metals without wearing hand gloves

i)Falling from height

ii)Stumbling and slipping

iii)Hit on head with heavy metal

iv)Damage/Loss to vessel property (Subjected to claim)

v)Potentiality of skin diseases


ii)Other onboard personnel

i)High caution should have to be created inside the lasher about safety

ii) Working with safety belt, safety helmet, hand gloves, safety shoe and all other PPE needs to be ensured

4. Discharging of the Containers on Trailer

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i) Unsupervised wires, hooks, pulies, spreaders, nuts and bolts along with other essential parts of the cranes.

ii)improper unlashing of containers

iii)Working under the lifted container

iv) Incautious discharging or loading of vessel regardless of stability

i)Falling of spreader along with container

ii)Damage of container, guard rails and ship crane while lifting the containers

iii)Damage of locks, bars and hatch covers

iv)Listing of ship

v)Loss of productivity


ii)Crews of the vessels


iv)Trailer operators

i) Periodical maintenance and supervision of wires, hooks, pulies, spreaders, nuts and bolts and the like.

ii)Training for the lashers

iii)Caution on safe discharging and loading of vessels

5. Transferring of the Containers to Yard by Trailers

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Untrained and inexperienced trailer operator, reckless driving with unsafe speed due to young heroism

ii)Using mobile phone while operating the trailers

iii)Driving over the locks at quay side, turning with in a very short circle

iv)Damaged pavement with holes

v)Reckless driving of trailer beside RTG/SC

i)Human injury, fatality

ii)Damage of RTG/SC and trailer

i)Trailer operators

ii)CNF Agents

iii)Quay and Yard personnel

i)Intensive training for trailer operators


6. Receiving of Containers by RTG/SC

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i) Unsupervised wires, spreaders, nuts and bolts, locks along with other essential parts of RTG/SC

ii)Unsupervised movement of RTG/SC

iii)Movement or staying of peoples inside the container blocks/SC Slots

i)Major injury or fatality

ii)Damage of containers

iii)Damage of yard pavement

iv)Damage of RTG/SC

v)Damage of trailers

i)Trailer operators

ii)Yard personnel

iii) CNF agents

iv)Depot Agents

i) Periodical maintenance and supervision of wires, spreaders, nuts and bolts, locks along with other essential parts of RTG/SC

ii)Unattended movement of RTG to be prevented

iii) Movement or staying of peoples inside the container blocks/SC slots to be prevented

7. Transferring of Containers to Assigned Places (custom appraisement point, cfs, depots, shipper’s premises, etc.)

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Damaged pavement of the yard

ii)Covered van destined to/from delivery yard

iii)Movement of straddle carrier without sound signal

iv)Inadequate lighting of the yard

v)Unsecured/Uncovered manhole

vi)Incautious movement in SC slots and appraisement point

i)Injury/fatality of yard personnel

ii)Injury/fatality of the outsider (specially in SC slots)

iii)Damage of the mobile equipments

iv)Collision with the outside covered van

i)Yard personnel

ii)Trailer operator

iii)CNF agent

iv)Depot agent

v)Driver and helper of covered van

i)Repairing of pavement (by CPA)

ii)Adequate lighting in yard (by CPA)

iii)Ensuring covers on every manhole(by CPA)

iv)Appropriate caution for all parties roaming around the yard with/without vehicle

8. Re-stacking & Re-slotting the Appraised Containers at Assigned RTG Blocks/SC Slots

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Incautious movement in SC slots and appraisement point

ii)Inadequate lighting at SC

iii)Unsupervised spreader of SC

iv)Unsupervised CNF agents and Appraisement Labor while taking rest at appraisement point.

v)Unparallel stacking or slotting of container at more than one high

i) Major injury or fatality

ii) Falling of container from SC

iii)Hit by RTG and major injury or fatality

iv)Container fall down and damage

i)Yard personnel

ii)Trailer operator

iii)CNF agent

iv)Depot agent

v)Driver and helper of covered van

i) All unauthorized movement of any personnel should be prohibited

ii) Proper lighting and sound signal of mobile equipment should be ensured in night shift.

iii) Parallel stacking of container should be ensured at more than one high

9. Transferring and Keeping down the Containers for FCL Delivery

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Unathorized movement of CNF Agents, covered van operators & helpers and delivery labours in delivery yard

ii) Reckless driving of trailers in yard

iii) Improper visual and sound signal of mobile carrier and trailers

i) Major injury or fatality

ii)Hit by trailer and major injury or fatality

iii)Collision between mobile equipments

i)Yard personnel

ii)Trailer operator

iii)CNF agent

iv)Depot agent

v)Driver and helper of covered van

i) All unauthorized movement of any personnel should be prohibited

ii) Proper lighting and sound signal of mobile equipment should be ensured in night shift.

10. Un-stuffing the Containers and Loading of Cargo on Covered Van

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Handling of DG cargo by delivery labor without appropriate PPE

ii)Incautious movement around mobile crane

iii) Inefficient movement of covered van

i)Major injury or fatality by chemical reaction of DG cargo or slow poisoning

ii)Hit from covered van to delivery labor or covered van helper due to miscommunication

i)Delivery labor

ii)CNF agents

iii)Helpers of covered van

i) Appropriate PPE should be ensured while handling DG cargo

ii) Cautious movement of covered van should be ensured in delivery area

11. Picking up the Empty Containers and Transferring to the Empty Yard


12. Transferring the Empty Containers to Off-docks/ Loading of the Empty Containers to Vessel

Hazards (Sources, Situations or Acts)


Related Personnel

Proposed Recovery Measures

i)Inappropriately locked door of empty container

ii) Unparallel stacking at empty yard

iii) In appropriate fixing of locks while loading onboard

i) Collision by waving door with other mobile equipment in roadways

ii) Container fall-down for unparallel stacking

iii) Container damage for improper locking

i)Mainly Trailer operators


i) Container doors should be closed properly

ii) Parallel stacking of container should be ensured at more than one high

iii) Proper locking to loading containers should be ensured at vessel point

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