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  • mojahid15ais

Maritime Transport and Logistics Related Journals

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

"Maritime Transportation and Logistics" is the sub-branch of the transportation and logistics arena of research. Sometimes, it falls under the arena of business and management, and engineering and technology, too. Despite the arena's modest size and specialist focus, a few journals have emerged that publish broader issues related to maritime logistics and transportation. In this blog, I have made an effort to compile a few journals that predominantly publish maritime transportation and logistics-related manuscripts (the first few journals in the following list) and other journals that also publish maritime transportation and logistics-related papers along with business and management, engineering and technology, and inter-disciplinary manuscripts.

I have tried to add the homepage of the journal's website and include indexing and other parameters (i.e. Scopus, Impact Factor, ABDC, ABS) of the journals (as much as possible, not all the cases).

[All of the following are at least Scopus-indexed]

  1. Maritime Policy & Management (Scopus: Q1, IF: 3.5, ABS: 2, ABDC: B)

  2. Maritime Economics & Logistics (Scopus: Q1, IF: 4.6, ABDC: B)

  3. Ocean & Coastal Management (Scopus: Q1, IF: 4.6)

  4. Marine Policy (Scopus: Q1, IF: 3.8, ABDC: A)

  5. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (Scopus: Q2)

  6. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics (Scopus: Q2, IF: 3.1)

  7. Maritime Transport Research (Scopus: Q2)

  8. Maritime Business Review (Scopus: Q2)

  9. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (Scopus: Q2)

  10. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (Scopus: Q3)

  11. Journal of International Logistics and Trade (Scopus: Q3)

  12. Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs (Scopus: Q3)

  13. Journal of Maritime Research (Scopus: Q3)

  14. Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (Scopus: Q3)

  15. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (Scopus: Q1, IF: 10.6, ABS: 3, ABDC: A*)

  16. International Journal of Logistics Management (Scopus: Q1, IF: 7.5, ABDC: A)

  17. Journal of Cleaner Production (Scopus: Q1, IF: 11.1, ABDC: A)

  18. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (Scopus: Q1, IF: 3.9, ABDC: B)

  19. Research in Transportation Business & Management

  20. Transportation Planning and Technology (Scopus: Q2, IF: 1.6, ABDC: B)

  21. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

  22. Case Studies on Transport Policy

  23. Journal of Transport Geography

  24. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

  25. Journal of Business Logistics

  26. Research in Transportation Economics (Scopus: Q1, IF: 3.8, ABDC: B)

  27. Transport Reviews (Scopus: Q1, IF: 9.8, ABDC: A)

  28. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

  29. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management

  30. Journal of Shipping and Trade (Not Indexed in Scopus so far, but good journal)

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