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  • mojahid15ais

Top Institutes/Universities for Higher Studies in Maritime Transportation and Logistics

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

Many of us plan to pursue higher studies in Maritime Transportation and Logistics. Here, I have compiled a list of 25 institutes/universities which provide higher education (bachelor/master/doctorate) in maritime transportation and logistics discipline. I have tried to link up the webpage of the offered programs.

(N:B: The order doesn't provide any ranking of the universities/institutes)

  1. World Maritime University (Sweden) - Website

  2. Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) - Website

  3. Shanghai Maritime University (China) - Website

  4. Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania (Australia) - Website

  5. University of Antwerp (Belgium) - Website

  6. Southampton Solent University (UK) - Website

  7. Dalian Maritime University (China) - Website

  8. Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) - Website

  9. Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) - Website

  10. National University of Singapore (Singapore) - Website

  11. Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands) - Website

  12. University of Strathclyde (UK) - Website

  13. Kobe University Graduate School of Maritime Sciences (Japan) - Website

  14. University of Plymouth (UK) - Website

  15. Kühne Logistics University (Germany) - Website

  16. Cardiff University (UK) - Website

  17. Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) - Website

  18. Texas A&M University at Galveston (USA) - Website

  19. EM Normandie Business School (France) - Website

  20. National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan) - Website

  21. Korea Maritime & Ocean University (South Korea) - Website

  22. University of Piraeus (Greece) - Website

  23. Molde University College (Logistics University in Norway)- Website

  24. University of Genoa (Italy) - Website

  25. University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway)- Website

  26. Liverpool John Moores University- Website

759 views4 comments


Penn Collins Awah
Penn Collins Awah
Oct 17, 2023

This is amazing, thank you for your efforts.

Oct 17, 2023
Replying to

Thanks Penn ☺️


Aug 09, 2023

Thanks Nobi for the comment.


Mahmudun Nobi
Mahmudun Nobi
Aug 09, 2023

Thanks, sir, for the compilation in your very busy schedule. It will be helpful for us, specially for the students of BSMRMU.

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