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Updated AJG list-2021 ("ABS ranking") and Maritime Logistics and Transportation Related Journals

Updated: Jun 26, 2021

The influential "Chartered Association of Business Schools" has just published its Academic Journal Guide 2021.

The maritime logistics and transportation journals have not been seen with major changes. It seems that being a sub-category of "Operations and Technology Management" and "Operations Research and Management Science", the journals in the sector are

underrated. However, it is hopeful that more and more universities are signing the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which addresses/emphasizes the assessment of an individual researcher's contribution, promotion or hiring based on the quality of the conducted research rather on....based journal metrics.

Here are some leading and ABS listed journals in maritime logistics and transportation. Your addition or comments are highly appreciated.

  • Transportation Research: Part-B: 4

  • European Journal of Operational Research: 4

  • Transportation Research: Part- A, D and E: 3

  • Transportation Science: 3

  • International Journal of Production Economics: 3

  • International Journal of Production Research: 3

  • Naval Research Logistics: 3

  • Journal of Transport Geography: 2

  • Transport Policy: 2

  • International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management: 2

  • Maritime Policy and Management: 2

  • Transportation: 2

  • Transport Reviews: 2

  • Journal of Cleaner Production: 2

  • Marine Policy: 2

  • Journal of Transport Economics and Policy: 2

  • Research in Transportation Economics: 1

  • Maritime Economics and Logistics: 1

  • Economics of Transportation: 1

  • International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications: 1

  • International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics: 1

  • International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management: 1

  • International Journal of Logistics Management: 1

  • World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research: 1

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Mojahid Hossain

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